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This study investigated the genetic diversity of phytoplankton communities in six shallow lagoons located on the French coast of the northwestern Mediterranean Sea that represented a trophic gradient ranging from oligotrophic to hypereutrophic. The phytoplankton communities were sampled once a month from spring (May) to the beginning of autumn (September/early October) in 2012 and fractionated by size. Metabarcodes were generated from cDNAs by targeting the D1-D2 region of the 28S rRNA gene and pyrosequenced using Roche 454 technology. Examination of the annotated barcodes revealed harmful algal species not previously documented in these lagoons. Three ichthyotoxic species belonging to Pfiesteriaceae were detected: Luciella masanensis was relatively widespread and abundant in many samples, whereas Pfiesteria piscicida and Stoeckeria changwonensis were found as single barcode sequences. Furthermore, a phylogenetic analysis of barcodes annotated as belonging to Pfiesteriaceae suggested the existence of two previously undescribed clades. The other toxic or potentially harmful dinoflagellates detected through rare barcodes were Dinophysis acuminata, Vulcanodinium rugosum, Alexandrium andersonii and A. ostenfeldii. The two most abundant dinoflagellate taxa were Gymnodinium litoralis and Akashiwo sanguinea with respect to sequence numbers. Four diatom species from the genus Pseudo-nitzschia that potentially produce domoic acid were identified (P. galaxiae, P. delicatissima, P. brasiliana and P. calliantha). These observations are discussed in terms of the literature and monitoring records related to the identified taxa in this Mediterranean area.  相似文献   
This scanning-electron microscopic study demonstrates the convergent evolution of the mouthparts of various herbivorous stream animals (insects from different orders, an isopod, snails, fish, and a tadpole) feeding on epilithic algal pastures. This food source is rich but is often difficult to harvest. Nevertheless, a large number of species can live on it because they have evolved highly specialized mouthparts. There are four functional problems that an algae grazer has to solve: the algae must be removed from the stone, they have to be collected and crushed, and a current shield is needed to prevent the water flow sweeping away the food. Among the 30 algae grazers examined in this study, a limited number of morphological solutions have been found for each of these adaptational problems. There are multiple evolutionary pathways for mouthpart adaptation and even closely related species have often evolved different types of tools for the same function. This refects the existence of a certain amount of evolutionary scope. Such freedom of evolution is present, however, only at the beginning of the adaptiogenesis of an algae grazer. Once one of the evolutionary pathways is taken, further improvement of the mouthparts is possible only by the refinement of the ‘chosen’ type of tools. The consequence of this is that a large number of astonishing convergences have occurred in algae grazers that have independently trodden the same evolutionary pathway.  相似文献   
Douglas Shields  F.  Knight  Scott S.  Morin  Nathalie  Blank  Joanne 《Hydrobiologia》2003,494(1-3):251-257
Effects of habitat rehabilitation of Little Topashaw Creek, a sinuous, sand-bed stream draining 37 km2 in northwest Mississippi are described. The rehabilitation project consisted of placing 72 large woody debris structures along eroding concave banks and planting 4000 willow cuttings in sandbars. Response was measured by monitoring flow, channel geometry, physical aquatic habitat, and fish populations. Initially, debris structures reduced high flow velocities at concave bank toes, preventing further erosion and inducing deposition. Physical response during the first year following construction included creation of sand berms along eroding banks and slight increases in base flow water width and depth. Fish collections showed assemblages typical of incising streams within the region, but minor initial responses to debris addition were evident. Progressive failure of the structures and renewed erosion were observed during the second year after construction.  相似文献   
Changes in regional climate in the Rocky Mountains over the next 100 years are expected to have significant effects on biogeochemical cycles and hydrological processes. In particular, decreased discharge and lower stream depth during summer when ultraviolet radiation (UVR) is the highest combined with greater photo-oxidation of dissolved organic materials (DOM) will significantly increase exposure of benthic communities to UVR. Communities in many Rocky Mountain streams are simultaneously exposed to elevated metals from abandoned mines, the toxicity and bioavailability of which are also determined by DOM. We integrated field surveys of 19 streams (21 sites) along a gradient of metal contamination with microcosm and field experiments conducted in Colorado, USA, and New Zealand to investigate the influence of DOM on bioavailability of heavy metals and exposure of benthic communities to UVR. Spatial and seasonal variation in DOM were closely related to stream discharge and significantly influenced heavy metal uptake in benthic organisms. Qualitative and quantitative changes in DOM resulting from exposure to sunlight increased UV-B (290–320 nm) penetration and toxicity of heavy metals. Results of microcosm experiments showed that benthic communities from a metal-polluted stream were tolerant of metals, but were more sensitive to UV-B than communities from a reference stream. We speculate that the greater sensitivity of these communities to UV-B resulted from costs associated with metal tolerance. Exclusion of UVR from 12 separate Colorado streams and from outdoor stream microcosms in New Zealand increased the abundance of benthic organisms (mayflies, stoneflies, and caddisflies) by 18% and 54%, respectively. Our findings demonstrate the importance of considering changes in regional climate and UV-B exposure when assessing the effects of local anthropogenic stressors.  相似文献   
Mainly on the basis of the distribution patterns of 42 species of the recently revised genus Cladopkora (Chlorophyceae) in the north Atlantic Ocean, it appeared possible to distinguish 10 phytogeographic distribution groups of wide applicability. Experimentally determined critical temperatures limiting essential events in the life histories of 17 benthic algal species were used to infer possible phytogeographic boundaries; these appeared to fit closely the phytogeographic boundaries derived from field-distribution data. For a temperate species, at least six different boundaries can be postulated and should be checked in the northern hemisphere: (1) the ‘northern lethal boundary’ (corresponding to the lowest winter temperature which a species can survive); (2) the ‘northern growth boundary’ (corresponding to the lowest summer temperature which, over a period of several months, permits sufficient growth); (3) the ‘northern reproductive boundary’ (corresponding to the lowest summer temperature permitting reproduction over a period of several months); (4–6) the corresponding southern boundaries. Photoperiodic responses may influence the temperature responses. Many phytogeographic boundaries appear to be of a composite nature. For instance, the southern boundary of Laminaria digitata follows the European 10°C February isotherm (which corresponds to the highest winter temperature permitting fertility in the female gametophyte, i.e. to the ‘southern reproductive boundary’), and the American 19°C summer isotherm (corresponding to the ‘southern lethal boundary’). Thus, experimental evidence supports the validity of eight of the following 10 distribution groups (for distribution groups 2 and 6, such evidence could not be found): (1) the amphiatlantic tropical-to-warm temperate group, with a north-eastern extension (examples: Gracilaria foliifera and Centroceras clavulalum); (2) the amphiatlantic tropical-to-warm temperate group, with a north-western extension (example: Hypnea musciformis); (3) the amphiatlantic tropical-to-temperate group (example: Sphacelaria rigidula =furcigera); (4) the amphiatlantic temperate group: the Cladophora rupestris type (examples: Callithamnion hookeri, Dumontia contorta; Laminaria saccharina is transitional to type 10, I., digitata to types 5 and 10); (5) the amphiatlantic temperate group: the Cl. albida type (examples: Scytosiphon lomentaria, Petalonia fascia); (6) the tropical western Atlantic group; (7) the north-east American tropical-to-temperate group (example: Gracilaria tikvahiae); (8) the north-east American temperate group and the corresponding Japanese temperate group (examples: Campylaephora hypneoides and Sargassum muticum); (9) the warm-temperate Mediterranean-Atlantic group, and the corresponding warm-temperate Californian group (examples: Saccorhiza polyschides, Laminaria hyperborea, I., ockroleuca, Macrocystis pyrifera, Hedophyllum sessile); (10) the Arctic group (examples: Saccorhiza dermatodea and Sphacelaria arctica). Distribution groups 6, 9 and 10 have comparatively narrow temperature ranges with a span of 18 22°C between their lethal boundaries and of 5 12°C between their reproductive or growth boundaries. These narrow temperature ranges limit the species in these groups to the tropics; the temperate coasts on the eastern sides of the north Pacific and north Atlantic Oceans and in the southern hemisphere; and to the Arctic, respectively. The narrow temperature ranges of group 9 make the species in this group unfit for life on the western temperate coasts of the north Pacific and north Atlantic Oceans, where algae must cope with annual temperature fluctuations of more than 20°C. Conversely, algae in group 8 (containing the numerous Japanese endemic species) are characterized by wide temperature spans (e.g. 29°C between ‘lethal boundaries’, 12–19°C between ‘growth and/or reproductive boundaries’) and must be potentially capable of occupying wide latitudinal belts on temperate coasts along the east sides of the north Pacific and north Atlantic Oceans. Algae ‘escaped’ from Japan, such as Sargassum muticum, conform to this picture. Apparently Japanese algae do not have the capacity for long distance dispersal. The corresponding east American coasts (30–45 N) harbour very few endemic species, probably as a result of the adverse nature of these sediment coasts for benthic macroalgae and their functioning as a barrier to latitudinal displacements of the flora during glaciations. The remaining distribution groups (1,2,3,4,5,7) are characterized by wide temperature spans and wide distributions, often in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and in both hemispheres. Six temperate species (in distribution groups 4, 5 and 9) with an amphiaequatorial distribution have similar winter-temperature maxima permitting reproduction and corresponding with winter isotherms of 15–17°C; their upper lethal temperatures are more dissimilar and correspond with summer isotherms of 20–30°C. Their amphiaequatorial distribution can be explained by assuming glacial temperature drops along east Pacific and east Atlantic equatorial coasts in narrow belts of intensified upwelling during the presumably intensified glacial circulation of the ocean gyres.  相似文献   
The number and abundance of algal species were not significantly different between non-topsoiled areas and top-soiled areas. Successional trends were evident at both sites, since the number of species and their abundance increased over time. Soil-algal interactions were determined by regression analysis. A conceptual model was developed that illustrated the influence of soil chemical properties on algal abundance. Important factors affecting the soil algae were sodium, calcium, potassium, magnesium and certain trace elements. The possible influence of these factors on algal growth is discussed.  相似文献   
Natural and human‐made disasters such as floods and logging occur in and around rivers. Stream‐dwelling aquatic insects respond to these disturbances in various ways. Primary consumers among them rely greatly on algae and leaf litter from riparian vegetation as food. Therefore, once a disturbance such as a flood has occurred, insects may find it difficult to find food in a stream, and the aquatic insect assemblage can be impacted greatly as a result. Disturbances in riparian areas also increase fine sediment loads into streams, damaging habitat and altering the aquatic insect assemblage. Deforestation impacts not only terrestrial but also aquatic animals. In this review paper, aquatic insect assemblages are assessed according to alterations in land use in and around streams. Following this paper, it is expected that clarification of aquatic insect fauna and their life cycles will progress and that the distribution and habitat use of aquatic insects will be afforded greater attention in forest management.  相似文献   
Concentration factor and biological half-life of 54Mn were determined in three species representing an ecologically and economically important food chain. Green algae (Chlorella spp.), Daphnia magna and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) were exposed to 54Mn in water and assayed for 54Mn uptake. Steady state concentration factors computed from the laboratory data for algae, Daphnia and perch were 4230, 17 000 and 11, respectively. Respective biological half-lives were 1.6, 1.2 and 8.3 days.  相似文献   
In the River Lobos-Ucero and its tributary the River Avión-Milanos (Duero basin, Old Castile, Central Spain), two limestone streams fed by aquifers, the population of brown trout, as compared with the populations of other European streams, shows a high growth rate, high condition coefficients, short life-span and early age at first maturity. Gonad cycle was also studied. Size distributions of unshed eggs exhibit a dynamic activity with a bi-modal distribution from June onwards, spawning occurred in the last days of November. Fecundity (F) can be predicted from trout length (L, mm) according to the equation: F= –646.47+5.6167 · L. Numbers and standing crop of trout range from 18 to 3903 ind. ha–1 and 3.6 to 452.9 Kg ha–1, reaching higher values in the sites close to the aquifers. Egg production had values of 22.4 and 18.0 eggs m–2 in the Rivers Ucero and Avión-Milanos respectively. Some factors suggested as regulators of these demographical characteristics are discussed in the light of recent literature.  相似文献   
Vanadate-sensitive proton efflux by filamentous cyanobacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract Light-induced proton efflux has been investigated with intact cells of Anabaena, Nostoc, Anacystis , and Aphanocapsa . The proton efflux by filamentous blue-green algae is biphasic, strongly inhibited by ortho -vanadate and insensitive to cyanide. These data are taken as evidence for a proton-pumping ATP-hydrolase present on the cytoplasmic membrane of Anabaena and Nostoc .  相似文献   
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